Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Somos un grupo de amigos amantes a la fotografía y a la bicicleta, de ahí el nombre de este blog. Cada domingo vamos a pedalear por diferentes rumbos de la ciudad y fuera de la misma. Hacemos tanto ciclismo de montaña, ciclismo urbano y biciturismo. Con esto queremos fomentar el uso de la bicicleta como una herramienta viable de movilidad, de salud y de diversión. ¡¡¡Animate a rodar con nosotros, saca tu bici a pasear!!! Escríbenos a

sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010


Soledad... Fotografía de Patricia Mors. Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

7 comentarios:

  1. me encata esa foto muy buena composicion y la gama de colores thumbs up

    atte: PACMAM :P

  2. This person (Patricia Mors) is preparing an exhibitions by taking/stealing works from an Polish Artist Jarek Kubicki

    check an artist web on FB

  3. Ladrona! Estas fotos son de un polaco - Jaroslaw Kubicki. Esta mujer sin verguenza presenta obras de otra persona como las suyas! Espero que pague muy caro por esta mentira.

    1. No amigo(a) esta foto si es suya, si la comparas con el trabajo que aparenta hacer te das cuenta las dimesión en la que está alejada de lo que realmente hace, en si, un asco...

  4. The works are stolen from a Polish Artist:

  5. Bitter success Gdansk graphics in Mexico. "Stolen" works widely reported

    Mexican artist Patricia Morse became a media star after he prepared an exhibition of works ... Tri graphics Jarek Kubicki and showed them as his own.
    But Mexico! So you can say about the proceedings unscrupulous artist Patricia Morse of Mexico. Why?

    Jaroslaw Kubicki, a former student of Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts, graphic designer, photographer, winner of many prestigious awards, a few days ago, he discovered that his works are presented at the exhibition in which lies on the Rio Grande in Piedras Negras in northern Mexico. He learned about it from an email from a student in that region, which reminded presented in Piedras Negras these graphics presented on the website of the Polish artist.

    - This lady just printed them out of my hand, removed from them their characteristic markings and has demonstrated on two shows. She could be printed only in small sizes, because pictures on my website specifically are not too large, that there is no theft. For her, it apparently was not a problem - Jaroslaw Kubicki flinches.

    View original work Jaroslaw Kubicki on his website , blog and facebook .

    One of the exhibitions of the stolen works was held in Mexico in June of last year, where Morse presented 23 works that Kubicki created in the years 2004-2011. The second exhibition is ongoing.

    Mexican media have reported that the work of Patricia Morse created during the six-month creative process in a variety of graphics programs. Morse describes them as "works of figurative, surreal, abstract and expressive."

    Read an article about the exhibition Patricia Morse in Mexico.

    - I do not know what this woman had in the internet age. Maybe she thought as last year, no one does not associate this work, because it comes from the other end of the world, now it will be the same. But there was someone who reminded them to me - says the artist.

    Kubicki hot considering what legal steps to take in this matter, although no secret that remain skeptical about their effects.

    - The amount of time and energy to settle this matter, it will be totally inadequate to possible compensation. But this is the story of a brazen conduct, and I want her to be treated as a warning. I hope that when this thing will see the light of day, this lady will feel the consequences of their act - says Jarosław Kubicki.

    Friends artist who offered to help him, sent a letter to the gallery, which presents stolen works. In response, they learned that the gallery will withdraw from the presentation and investigate the matter.

  6. The biggest Polish Daily just published on its website front page the story about Patricia Mors stealing work of Polish and Italian artists.,35612,13813138,Ukradla_prace_z_internetu_i_pokazala_jako_swoje__.html
